U.S. Floods U.S. Strike & U.S. Floods - Cuts (1937)

Full title reads: “U.S. STRIKE - Workers turn factories into homes.“ United States of America (USA). Long shot of a car factory. Several shots of the men working, making cars. Voiceover informs that this is not the case any more - General Motors Corporation workers are on strike. Several shots of an empty factory. Federal Conciliator and Governor Murphy of Michigan negotiating with Labour leader H. Martin. Strikers have decided to stay in factories. Several shots of the strikers in factories, relaxing, chatting playing cards etc. Workers leaving Chevrolet factory where Union men are trying to persuade hem to join the strike. People entering Flint Office to sign against the strike - they want to go back to work. Close up shots of the hands Signing the Flint Alliance cards and putting them into large wooden boxes - look like ballot boxes. Item abruptly ends at (01:54:47) and the new item starts at (01:54:50) There is no mention of this item in the original paperwork for this issue. It is possible
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