The remains of medium-sized predatory dinosaurs are pretty rare in places where giant predators like T. rex existed. Which is weird, because that’s just not how ecosystems work today.
Thanks to Franz Anthony, Jack Mayer Wood, ABelov2014, Fabrizio De Rossi, Nathan E. Rogers, Emily Willoughby, Julio Lacerda, and Vladimir Rimbala for their wonderful paleoart featured in this episode.
Produced by Complexly for PBS Digital Studios
Super special thanks to the following Patreon patrons for helping make Eons possible:
Steve Descoteaux, William Craig II, Tracey, Hizrihel Alkawa, James Dowling-Healey, District Fungus Mycology, Frans Balendong, Irene Wood, Derek Helling, Margaret Luby, WilCatRhClPPh33, Mark Talbott-Williams, Elizabeth Baker, Eddy, Angel Alchin, Julie Cohen, , Sean C. Kennedy, Eric Roberto Rodriguez, Hillary Ryde-Collins, Frida, Yu Mei, Dan Ritter, faxo, Jayme Coyle, Gary Walker, Patrick Wells, Aziza Ashling, GrowingViolet, Stephanie Tan, Nick Ryhajlo, John Pollock,