Sculpting Little Cats with Air Dry Clay 🐈

I’m sculpting again! Aren’t these cats adorable? I love making little things like this! (Sculptures tour next time maybe??) Comment down below your favorite cat! Watch my last sculpting video where I made a cactus trinket dish! CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro 0:50 Materials 1:08 Sculpting 7:36 Painting 12:28 Reveal 13:26 Outro ART SUPPLIES 🤍 Crayola White Air-Dry Clay, 5lb. 💓 Pink Self-Healing Cutting Mat =sr_1_6?crid=GDNDNR6785IX&keywords=art cutting mat pink and blue&qid=1668274200&sprefix=art cutting mat pink an dblue,aps,102&sr=8-6&th=1 🌈 Craft Smart Acrylic Paint smart acrylic paint 🎨 Clear Paint Palette (4 PCS)
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