Pedalboard Demo - Fender Relic Stratocaster, Marshall Silver Jubilee & Vintage Modern

As short as I could manage without missing anything out. Pedals in order of chain demonstration Zvex Fuzz Factory Line 6 FM4 EHX POG Marshall Edward The Compressor Boss TU-2 EHX Freeze Boss PSM -5 - ( In loop - MXR Micro Amp, Ibanez ts808 Tubescreamer, Boss DS-2, EHX Little Big Muff, Ashbass Fuzzbrite, Crybaby from Hell) Moogerfooger Phaser EHX Stereo Pulsar Retro Sonic Chorus Ensemble (from here to amps all stereo) Line 6 DL4 EHX Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai EHX Cathedral - into one amp, second output goes to... EHX Deluxe Memory Boy - into ground isolator - into second amp. Marshall Silver Jubilee matching 4x12 Marshall Vintage Modern 2466 matching 4x12 Empty space on left board is for Strymon Bluesky (TASTY!) No editing has been done post recording, (no panning on amps so the stereo effects are heard mono) For those interested - here are some video clips of the band I play for ’The Tones’ h
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