Dying Light 2 vs Dying Light - Details and Physics Comparison

The best comparison between the two games Dying Light 2 Stay Human (2022) and Dying Light (2015), I will compare the most important similarities, physics, details, textures and special places in the game. The entire video was created by myself (GameLight). The Dying Light 2 Stay Human update added the long-awaited weapon (Firearms Update), which all fans of the game were waiting for. There are four types of weapons in the game: Pistolt, SMG, Assoult Riffle, and Shotgun. Timestamps: 0:00 NPC reaction (gun pointing) 0:49 Bullet marks 1:12 Reload Animation 2:25 Zombie reactions 2:53 Muzzle flash 3:37 Attracting zombies 4:10 Tricks 4:55 Blocking (Gun) 5:54 Water physics 6:45 Ricochet 7:18 Combat 7:56 Don’t forget to subscribe and like 👍 #dyinglight2 #dyinglight2update #dyinglight
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