Wudang Congfu with Grandmaster Zhong Yun Long and Disciple Chen Shixing of Zhang Sanfeng Academy

De Brave Dragon Grandmaster Zhong Yun Long goes to Wudang Mountain in 1984 to learn Wudang congfu under the 13th generation Masters Guo Gaoyi and Wang Kuangde. Grandmaster Zhong becomes the 14th generation lineage holder of Phai Wudang Zhang San Feng. De Dao of Wudang congfu teaches me to focus on my self and nourish life through understanding of the Meridians. Grandmaster Zhong lives in a cave on Wudang mountains for 5 years with his most earnest disciples to meditate and practice congfu and taiji in day and then read and write at night. A simple life is a good life because a good life is simple since simple is beautiful
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