Andrej | Draw the Emotional - Sad spring [Akitoshi’s Expert] % | First HDDT FC #1 - 843pp

osu! is a free online rhythm game, where you can play a lot of music. Link : ------------ Player info ------------ Andrej’s profile : Twitter : YouTube : Skin : Performance: --- 15,185pp --- Global Rank: #36 (Serbia #1) --- Accuracy: % --- Play count: 167,256 --- Level: 102 ------------ Map info ------------ Map : #osu/2094186 --- [BPM: 276 | CS: 4 | AR: 10.5 | OD: 8.6 | HP: 6 | Stars: ⭐] --- Mods : HDDT ------------ PP Counting Tool ------------ Calculate pp for a beatmap directly in your browser. ezpp! allows you to calculate the osu! pp values for a given beatmap directly in the browser. Just go to a beatmap’s page, unranked or not, and click the extension. No login or API key required. Chrome Extension Link : ------------ PP Counter ------
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