Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is October 31, 1980, and this is my AUDIO LETTER No. 59.

And the third issue, riding the waves of other events, has been the up-coming election. These three on-going news stories are all related, and in turn they all reflect a fierce struggle behind the scenes among three (3) different power groups. One group is that of the Satanic Bolsheviks who now control the United States government. Another group is that of the Rockefeller Oil Cartel now under the control of John J. McCloy. And the third power center is in the Soviet Union whose rulers today are in a battle to the death against the Satanic Bolsheviks. The primary actors right now are the Bolsheviks and the McCloy Oil Group. It is they who have done most of the maneuvering in the Iraq-Iran war, in the hostage release rumors, and in the election build-up. But in all three areas, Russian agents have been joining the fray too. Wherever possible they are trying to interfere with Bolshevik plans even if that helps Big Oil temporarily. My three special topics this month are: Topic #1--THE IRAN HOSTAGE RELEASE PLAN FOR WAR Topic #2--SENATOR WILLIAM PROXMIRE AND “ACTION STEP 4“ Topic #3--“ACTION STEP 5“ ON A NEW BATTLE FRONT.
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