Does Giving Her Distance Work? Psychology Behind Your Girlfriend Wanting a Break/ What You Should Do

Today’s video is all about that horrible moment in a relationship when your girlfriend wants some space from the relationship, need a break and some time to think and suggests going through a period of no contact. This period of distance in the relationship, which can often involve the dreaded no contact rule isn’t always a bad thing. It can end up bringing the two of your closer together, provided you actually listen to what it is she’s asking of you and pay attention to the subjects discussed in today’s video. We’re going to be taking a look at the psychology of a break & distance in a relationship, what is it she wants from this time and hopes to gain, and what you need to do yourself to make this really work. Should you try texting her or leave her be? It will be covered in the video. #Joyanima #relationship #distance ** Contents of video ** 0:00 Intro 1:25 An introduction to her wanting space in the relationship and asking for a break 2:43 Psychology of why you need to give her distance 4:16 What will happen if you don’t create distance? 7:00 Distance creates mystery 8:20 What to do when she comes back ***Introduction to the subject*** You’ve clicked on this video today because you can sense something very uncomfortable. You know deep down that something is wrong in the relationship between you and your lady. And you probably have 1 of 2 mindsets right now. The first one is, I’m going to do all I can to make this relationship work. Literally physically do everything you can. Emotionally give her everything, constant calls, constant texts messages, sending her flowers, sending her gifts, turning up at her work place. Or, the second mindset is, I am literally at the end of my tether and I’m willing to just end things if I don’t get just a smidgen bit of romanticism from my girlfriend. And you probably feel pretty helpless, which is why you’ve come to me today because you can’t fix this on your own and you just don’t know what you need to do. But, what if I told you that by giving her distance, which I know you don’t want to do, you can actually re-build that attraction and it will bring you guys back together much stronger than you were before this distance situation happened.... *** What do you think of breaks in a relationship? Are the healthy, do you think it’s a good idea? Have you had any experiences of this yourself, perhaps with the no contact rule? Be sure to let me know down in the comments section. I try my best to respond to as many as I can. Have you been enjoyed our videos on relationship advice? Be sure to subscribe for more daily videos! Check out some of our other popular videos below. Signs a girl doesn’t like you: 50 psychological facts about love Psychological facts about girls Signs a girl likes you: How to spot a narcissist: 30 Soulmate Signs: How to spot fake people: How to read anyone using body language and psychology: Why intelligent people find love and relationships difficult: How to stop overthinking: Please consider subscribing if you enjoyed today’s video. Every day we publish new videos on psychology, psychological tips, interesting facts, dating tips, relationship advice and more. Subscribe to never miss a video. Follow us on social media! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Patreon:
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