Former commander of NATO forces in Europe James Stavridis: How is it that a year ago the halls of Congress were buzzing - I st

Former commander of NATO forces in Europe James Stavridis: [How is it that a year ago the halls of Congress were buzzing - “I stand with Ukraine.” And now President Zelensky is being met with political impasse] I think there are three factors here. First, the well-known inability of Americans to wait long. We love to fight short wars. Remember the Persian Gulf. We hate long wars. Eternal wars. We hated Vietnam. We don’t like to be involved in something for long. This conflict begins to resemble a long-playing record. Secondly, frankly speaking, and we need to call a spade a spade, is the lack of offensive success this summer. It really failed. And the Ukrainian Armed Forces found themselves in a serious impasse. This was even more disappointing. And third, it doesn’t take a political pundit to realize that our own politics in Washington are at an impasse. And the closer we get - ding-ding - to the election year, the clearer it is that the trend of disagreement on certain issues is becoming more complex. So for Zelensky this is a completely different place than a year ago. [And what will happen if he leaves empty-handed?] Well, Ukraine will have enough weapons and money from the American conveyor belt for two months. Perhaps three, at the expense of our European friends. I’m telling you, by January-February you’ll have to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Источник: Slavyangrad
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