DIY - Sewing the Square Tote Bag - Tutorial cara menjahit tas tote bag
Hello guys, as I promised on my previous videos, here I present to you the pattern and tutorial. I hope you like it 😊🙏🏼❤️
Materials (ship to Indonesia only)
- Kain goni motif :
- Kain cordura polos :
- Label kulit custom :
- Ring D :
- Ring kotak :
- Webbing katun 4cm :
- Pelapis Tangerine M33 :
- Busa Ati / Eva sponge 5mm :
- Kulit sintetis tebal 2mm :
- Kancing snap :
- Alat pasang kancing snap :
- Kancing magnet :
The steps:
0:00 - Intro
1:24 - Step 1: Pattern and Material Preparation / Persiapan pola dan material.
3:12 - Step 2 : Installing the magnetic button
4 weeks ago 00:07:27 1
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