Shotokan - 7th Kyu - Orange Belt - Extending Range for Kicks

Follow along with Sensei Jonas Bieri as he leads you through a class designed to condition and stretch you from head to toe - all for making your kicks better. 00:44 - Warm Up 03:18 - Push Ups 03:54 - Sit Ups 05:03 - Back Conditioning 07:25 - Hip Rotations 08:22 - Squats 09:51 - Leg Swings 11:42 - Knee Outs 12:44 - Calf Raises 14:03 - Knee Rolls 15:08 - Foot Rolls 16:11 - Mawashi Stretch 17:25 - Leg Swings 19:14 - Jogging In Place 20:24 - Mai Geri Keage 22:29 - Mai Geri Kekomi 27:13 - Quad Stretches 28:43
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