肖战XiaoZhan | Ai Si Bu Si Interview 爱思不Si访谈

七问七答道不尽三年时光,每问每答叙说不曾见过的他。 温柔但不软弱,包容但有原则。忍得了委屈,耐得住寂寞,受得了辛苦。 用最好的姿态对待世界,包容遇到的一切不美好。 平淡从容地处理负能量,将它变成进步的坚韧力量 肖战,爱思不Si,遇见真实。 Seven questions and answers barely describe the past three years. Every question and answer unveils an unknown Xiao Zhan. Gentle but not weak, tolerant but with principles, he endured the injustice, loneliness and hard work. Facing the world with kindness and embracing all the darkness, he digested the negativity at ease and transformed it into motivation. Ai Si Bu Si Meet the Real Xiao Zhan 肖战全球后援会其他平台官方账号: Other official accounts of Xiao Zhan Global Fanclub: 肖战个人微博: Xiao Zhan Weibo: 肖战全球后援会微博 Xiao Zhan Global Fanclub Weibo: 肖战全球后援会ins Xiao Zhan Global Fanclub Instagram: 肖战工作室微博 Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo: 肖战全球后援会抖音号:19911005xzhyh Xiao Zhan Global Fanclub Dou Yin ID: 19911005xzhyh 如果您有原创视频,欢迎投稿: Please feel free to contact us and submit your works if you have any original relevant videos. 微博:肖战全平台安利组 Xiao Zhan All-Platform Propagating Group Weibo: E-mail: @
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