Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni AMV - Control

Well, it has been some time, sorry for the wait. I am not a person who complains about my life, but the truth is that without a doubt 2016 was the worst year in my life. In the beginning the anime ERASED (Boku dake ga inai machi) was a safe haven for me, but when it ended I was just without emotional support for what happened throughout the year. Anyway, I hope this year can be a better year for everybody. About the video, I am really sorry, the truth is that it was about to be complet in my 2016 july vacation, but my archive got currupted and I lost about 50% of the progress, and had to restart from them, but I got occupied with college and other personal things and I didn’t have much time to work on this (I got a little unmotivated to restart after I lost an almost complet video). I hope I can make much more videos this year, making AMVs is not my primary hobby, not even my secondary, but I really missed it in this last months so I will put it above my others hobbies this year (at least it first h
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