UX Design vs UI Design - What’s The Difference? (2021)
What’s the difference between UX and UI design? What will you be doing as a user experience designer, or a user interface designer? In this video, we delve into these two in-demand design roles, sharing key definitions, responsibilities, similarities and differences.
Dee Scarano, a UX/UI designer with over 12 years of experience, gives an overview of both UX and UI design, sharing industry insights and tangible examples of what the two roles entail—helping you figure out which is the best fit for you.
Thinking of a career change and curious about UX or UI design? We offer a free short course in both areas so you can see which is right for you. Sign up here:
UX Design Short Course -
UI Design Short Course -
Do you think you’d prefer UX design, or UI design? Which are you most interested in, and why? Let us know in the comments!
Want more information? You can check out our long-form blog article on this very topic!
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