Animals Clinic (1956)

People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals in Ilford, Essex. M/S in an animal clinic waiting room where a middle-aged woman sits near a girl with a dog on her lap; another woman sits holding a basket. A woman in a white coat comes through a door at the left with a dog on a lead and gives it to the owner, the middle-aged lady, who thanks her and walks off. The woman takes the dog from the small girl and goes into the dispensary. M/S in the dispensary as the vet and assistant check the dog and examine his paw. M/S of the little girl sitting outside in the waiting room looking rather anxious. C/U of a sign pointing to the ’X-Ray Department’. M/Ss and C/Us as another dog is held in position on a table while it’s paws are x-rayed. Commentator explains how the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals was started in 1917 to provide a service for animals whose owners can’t afford to visit a vet. M/Ss and C/Us back in the dispensary with our original dog, who is trying to look brave while his paw is seen to. C/U
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