18+, Situation on Avdiivka frontline filmed by Ukrainian soldier
An transcript from an fellow forum member that understands Russian/Ukrainian that seen the video:
the upper command in the comm speaks sole Russian
some natives arrived in the scene
Later on, he is complaining that AGS is shitting them hard.
minute he has lost somehow his accent and sounds western Ukr (Canadian?)
, the backs has been already covered by art fire. Withdrawing.
, there is a “dear God“ in Polish with the eastern accent, so he might be 50\50
there is no point to translate it further, they are just being decimated without even visual contact of the enemy
Translation from original Source:
“In the Avdiivka direction, an APU fighter abandoned by his colleagues filmed his own death on camera.
In the Avdiivka direction, our fighters are going on a rapid offensive, which greatly demoralizes Ukrainian soldiers, who find it difficult to act coherently and build a competent strategy. As a result, the APU is suffering heavy losses here. At the disposal of Readovka, footage of one of the battles appeared, in which two Ukrainians were injured and called for reinforcements.
A Ukrainian fighter with a GoPro camera on his helmet, having left the trench, under incessant shelling, advanced through the landing to help his comrades. When he finally reached the goal and saw a dying colleague, he himself was seriously injured.
“Guys, help me, pull me out!“, the wounded man desperately appealed to his colleagues.
Despite calls for help, help did not come to the one who came to save his comrade, and the wounded Ukrainian soldier met his death. And such episodes are far from isolated — often Ukrainian militants die on the battlefield not from wounds, but from being thrown to certain death by their own“
Senseless shit ... I have zero hate for the guy. in contrast it is infuriating. he died for nothing, his family will mourn, his leadership will declare him a martyr, zelenski will make 5$ off his death for some additional weapon deals, the PR machine can spin some news cycles and some Twitter idiots will declare him the new hero, all because he got brainwashed
Russia should cut off the snakes heads so this nonsense is over
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