Transfers (1931)

Introductory intertitle reads: “Not the kind that small boys stick on the best mirror, but a transfer from Motor-car to Aeroplane - at full speed.“ M/S of woman standing up in the back of an open topped car. Three men chat to the woman. She waves at the camera. The car drives off with a biplane moving along next to the car. The car drives along with the aircraft following it. The plane has a ladder hanging down behind it. “The hazardous jockeying for position, demands an iron nerve.“ Camera follows the car and plane as they speed along. “Swinging into open space, the girl climbs the ’plane.“ Camera follows the plane, the girl has climbed onto the ladder. The plane flies higher into the air as the girl swings on the ladder below. The plane comes into land with the woman standing on one of the wings. C/U of the pilot shaking hands with the stunt girl. Her sweater bears her name “Gene Lavock“. (see also “Stunts No. 2 b“) They turn and smile at the camera. Was an item in Eve’s Film
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