Roland AIRA Compact S-1: The SH-101 Rides Again?

Shop Roland AIRA Compact S-1 Tweak Synth 👉 More videos like this Roland AIRA Compact S-1 demo 👉 As Roland has continued to explore the AIRA Compact series of portability-minded instruments, they’ve been able to use their groundbreaking Analog Circuit Behavior (ACB) technology to breathe new life into their iconic synths without the risk of feeling like a lazy retreading of old territory. Deep within the S-1 Tweak Synth beats the heart of the legendary SH-101, reborn and reimagined for the modern musician. Heritage instruments like the JUNO line and JX-3P are a few synth-siblings whose presence is felt in the numerous polyphonic tone-crafting tools that make the S-1 a formidable force of sonic power. Join Daniel Fisher to hear it for yourself! After you watch, check out today for all your music instrument and pro audio needs!
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