I stayed with reindeer herders in the Arctic village of Russia | Expedition to the Far North

I was invited to stay with reindeer herders in the Far North of Russia - Lovozero, the capital of the Russian Lapland on Kola Peninsula. 📌 - Send a direct message to stay at the guest house Mishkin Dom (Svetlana & Mikhail’s home) where you can experience the real Russian Arctic 📌 - Mishkin Dom website (auto-translate to English) - Experiencing snowstorm & traditional epiphany bathing in the Extreme North of Russia Time codes: 0:00 Russian recipe to make wishes come true! 1:06 I’m at the capital of Russian Lapland, again! 2:11 Let’s drive deers into the corral 4:11 I questioned the most experienced reindeer herder. That’s what he told me... 6:52 Reindeer herder room tour. How do they live? 7:48 Trying on the traditional reindeer herders’ clothes 11:10 How long do reindeer herders live in the tundra? And how? 12:33 H
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