Have we been using Reason wrong this entire time?

Have we been using Reason wrong this entire time? A glance at Reason 12 operation manual will show us just how wrong we have been all along. I am curious to see if anyone has ever caught this before, and if you have and are a power Reason User, please let us know you awesome guy or girl! Apparently, the control room out is actually really important when it comes to monitoring music in Reason. Super important in fact. In the end though, this probably won’t apply to many Reason users and more thank likely the added benefit of the Control room out will only help users with expensive audio interfaces with multiple inputs and outputs. I think we will be okay to keep using Reason the way we have been using it. I don’t know, what do you think? 💰 Support me: #ref=chrisreedbeats 🌎 My Website: 🟠 Follow me: Headphones:
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