Gogol - Alexander Binkh - Hope Again

► fandom: Gogol/Гоголь [(film_series)] ► character: Alexander Christophorovich Binkh ► song: One of the most witless investigators the silver screen has ever known. One of the most prone to sarcasm interlocutors you could expect to find. And yet it’s very hard not to like him, because he so obviously wants to do good where he can. To protect people, to ensure the law is upheld. Maybe one day I’ll finally manage to finish an OTP fanvid with him (if you haven’t realized yet how twisted this canon is, I can tell you that I ship this guy with his murderer - actually he just stood in her way by particularly bad chance - oh, and she’s a witch four times his age - no, I regret nothing), but for now - enjoy this tribute. #fanvidfeed #gogol #гоголь #александрбинх
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