Key Glock - The Making of ’Let’s Go’ (Vevo Footnotes)

Key Glock - The Making of ’Let’s Go’ (Vevo Footnotes) Bonnie and Clyde have remained in the popular imagination for more than a century thanks to their titillating legend of romance, danger, and liberty. During the creative process for “Let’s Go,” director Chris Villa aimed to put a “modern-day” spin on the criminal couple - especially after seeing Glock run and gun his way through the “Ambition for Cash” vid. Thrillers such as ‘Fight Club,’ ‘Casino Royale,’ and ‘Mr. & Mrs. Smith’ helped the director further hone in on the blood-pumping action of the almost five-minute clip. Musician/actress Alix Lapri is perfectly cast as a fearsome but fetching Bonnie. What started as a freestyle for Glock turned into an opportunity to do stunts. “I got that shit right in and made it look good,” the Memphis rapper bragged to us about quickly picking up on the moves. He also noted how much he relished these shoots; work is supposed to be “fun” after all. Enjoy all the deets, from your friends at Footnotes
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