Improving Mechanical Reliability of Electronics | Ansys Virtual Academy

Subscribe to Ansys Virtual Academy ►► As electronics are a component of more and more products, the reliability of these components is becoming more important to ensure customer delight and value. One common electronic failure mode is when electronic components fail due to shock or vibration. This AVA presents how ANSYS simulation tools can be used to validate and verify that your mechanical protection schemes will work over the long term, to build product durability into the design before your first prototype is created. In this AVA session, Application Engineer Graham Stevens will cover: 1. Typical electronic mechanical failure modes, ways to test for these using simulation, and related regulatory compliance requirements 2. Common mechanical failure-protection schemes used to mitigate against mechanical failure 3. How ANSYS simulation tools can be used to validate that your mechanical failure protection schemes will work over the long term Follow us: Facebook ►
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