Lepanto - Chivalry Songbook

Historically; but not politically correct; is the sung story of the great battle at Lepanto. Download link here: The Battle of Lepanto was one of history’s largest naval battles. It all happened on October 7, 1571. The Catholic forces were summoned by Pope Saint Pius V who from Rome received news of the victory by supernatural means, soon after the events unfolded upon the sea! Many days later messengers came with the official news To the Pope relating that the Catholic League was victorious over the threatening Turkish fleet. It is related that during the battle, a great Lady appeared in the Heavens with a terrible gaze, which dismantled the courage of the Turkish soldiers, causing fear and panic to spread through their ranks. Others reported that the Child that the Lady held in Her arms, hurled incendiary bombs like playthings onto the Turkish ships! These marvels were only reported later by Turkish
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