Learn how to create a Juniper Bonsai tree

Learn how to make a Juniper bonsai tree! In this video we show you how to prune, wire and repot a Juniper tree of about 20 years old. Bonsai Empire is dedicated to share the living art of Bonsai - we created this video as a DIY tutorial to help and motivate beginners. The video is part of the online courses that we offer, for more free videos go to: Bonsai techniques explained: - Pruning: - Tools: - Wiring: - Repotting: - Substrate: - Bonsai care: We like to thank: Clingendael (Japanese garden), Bob van Ruitenbeek (Technical supervision and Bonsai expert) and Teunis Jan Klein. Learn how to make a Bonsai tree with our online courses:
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