Unravelling the Mystery of the Mind-Body Problem

Mind-Body Problem Solved. Is it just an alluring title or is there actual substance behind that affirmation? Read to find out, it’s 100% accurate. You’re in for a shocker. It can’t be anything else. An ongoing 450-year debate launched by Descartes’ philosophy asserts the mind-body problem represents two separate, distinct entities as opposed to one. Nobody has settled this issue until now. It’s 2022 and time to broach this exciting, earth-girdling, current issue. Why? Because it’s directly related to the No. 1 world health woe in the 21st century, and it’s not Covid-19, it’s mental health. The Extent of Miscomprehension Here’s what the Encyclopedia Britannica relates about mind-body dualism. The modern problem of the relationship of mind to body stems from the thought of the 17th-century French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes, who gave dualism its classical formulation. Beginning from his famous dictum cogito, ergo sum (Latin: “I think, therefore I am”)
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