Boys Don’t Cry (Except When They Do)

Since we all know that boys (and men) do in fact cry, this video focuses on the relatively narrow set of social circumstances when tears are permissible. PATREON Support this media project on Patreon: PAYPAL Make a one-time donation via PayPal: WISHLIST Send research materials for video essays: RECOMMENDED READING • The Will to Change by bell hooks • The Gender Knot by Allan G Johnson • Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett SUBTITLES • You can help make with subtitles for this video on Amara: TEXT TRANSCRIPT Coming soon PODCAST LINKS Apple Podcasts Spotify: Google Podcasts: COMMENTS All YouTube comments are held for approval. If you’d like to participate in constructive online conversations about this video, please share it on your social media networks. FAIR USE All multimedia clips included in this video constitute a ’fair use’ of any copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of U.S. Copyright law, which allows for criticism, comment and scholarship. Learn more about fair use with this awesome app by New Media Rights! CREDITS Writer/Editing: Jonathan McIntosh Outro music: Rick Lopez
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