Long Distance Bicycle Touring 1.5 years Bicycle Touring from Toronto to Ecuador. Part 13

#longdistancebicycletouring #bikepacking Please subscribe here My Long distance bicycle tour brings me to Guerrero Negro with a whole host of other cyclists. This has been fantastic, and going Whale watching was the icing on the cake, but it was time to head back to the road. Our eccentric group now consists of an international group of bikers, all doing it in different ways, including a Unicycle. We rolled south to La Paz and caught the 18-hour ferry across to Mazatlan. Here we all split up to go our separate ways down into the heart of Mexico. I have ridden the Toll road down to Guadalajara, a big smooth shoulder to ride on, but getting water has been a problem as it does avoid the small towns. Back to the smaller roads now I think. Social media/website.
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