How to Find Inbreeding Coefficient (advanced problem)

What is inbreeding and how can it impact health? Inbreeding, put simply, is the mating of related individuals – those individuals with common ancestors. High levels of inbreeding can impact the health of individual dogs, as it increases the chances of a dog being at risk for both known and unknown inherited disorders. It could also have an impact on the breed as a whole, for example, a reduction in litter size and fertility. It is impossible to make precise predictions about the exact impact that inbreeding has on an individual dog, but we do know that, as the degree of inbreeding increases, the risk of having a serious and harmful impact on the breed as a whole will increase. How can you measure the degree of inbreeding? The degree of inbreeding can be measured by using a Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI). This is the probability that two copies of the same variant at a gene have been inherited from an ancestor common to both the sire and dam. The lower the degree of inbreeding, the lower the inbreeding coefficient. #genetics #inbreeding #commonAncestor #inbreedingCoefficient #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #populationGenetics #HardyWeinbergEquilibrium #Heterozygosity #breeding #coefficientOfInbreeding #biology #evolution #PopulationDynamics #naturalSelection #Fitness #AlternativeSelection #GroupSelection #artificialSelection #environment #ReproductiveIsolation #Prezygotic #Postzygotic #sexualReproduction #AsexualReproduction
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