Innerneath Clips: The Disgusting Business of Bikram Yoga

Innerneath Clips: The Disgusting Business of Bikram Yoga #innerneath #bikramyoga #kaileyurbaniak “The Sight“ by Kailey Urbaniak Available Now on Amazon ► Get your FREE copy of KC Hunter’s Kana Cold Prequel Novella ► Subscribe for more from the Innerneath Podcast! ► @InnerneathPodcast Creatives Kailey Urbaniak and host KC Hunter discuss the notorious practices of Bikrum Yoga and whether real life people can inspire fictional villains in their stories. Kailey Urbaniak is the author of the urban fantasy teen book “The Sight“. Referenced episode: #IN001 Kailey Urbaniak Kailey Urbaniak @kaileyurbaniakauthor KC Hunter host of Innerneath @thekchunter on Instagram
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