Director of ’La bte’ (’The Beast’) expresses his sadness that his actors didn’t travel to Venice be

(5 Sep 2023) KINOLOGY 1. Film clip - “La bête“ (“The Beast“) ASSOCIATED PRESS Venice, Italy - 3 September 2023 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Bertrand Bonello, writer/director - on not having his stars promoting the film in Venice: “Well, I talked a lot with Léa and with George about that and with their agents. I mean, I understand. I mean, of course it’s sad because it’s been a hard film to make. And presenting here is like something joy and I would have loved to have George and Léa next to me. But of course, I understand what’s happening and what’s happening is very important. So I support with the strike with them, even if I’m not an actor.“ KINOLOGY 3. Film clip - “La bête“ (“The Beast“) ASSOCIATED PRESS Venice, Italy - 3 September 2023 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Bertrand Bonello, writer/director - on why he wanted to do this story: “I wanted to do a melodrama. And for me, ’The Beast in the Jungle’ is the most heartbreaking and awful and beautiful melodrama novel. So for me, it’s the best starting point - the fear of love, you know? So after I wanted to explode it, you know, and to mix it with a genre of slasher, science fiction, you know, I felt very, very, very free. But the starting point for Henry James is unbeatable.“ KINOLOGY 5. Film clip - “La bête“ (“The Beast“) ASSOCIATED PRESS Venice, 3 September 2023 6. SOUNDBITE (English) Bertrand Bonello, writer/director - on the challenges of filming: “Well, it’s three different challenges. 1910 of course, there were some very difficult scenes with the fire, with the water and stuff like that technical. But I feel quite at ease in period films. So 2014, it’s like 45 percent of that part is just to one girl alone. So the challenge is to know how to be alone with only one actress. And the future, the challenge was to how to represent it, because I wanted to avoid the two usual directions: either the hyper technology, you know, on one side or the post-apocalyptic on the other. I wanted to find a third way and the challenge was, yes, to imagine the future.“ KINOLOGY 7. Film clip - “La bête“ (“The Beast“) ASSOCIATED PRESS Venice, Italy - 3 September 2023 8. SOUNDBITE (English) Bertrand Bonello, writer/director - on Léa Seydoux: “For me, it was the only one that could be in three parts because she can... She’s very (switches to French) intemporelle (timeless) I don’t know how you say it in English. You can go through the ages and very modern at the same time and very mysterious, even if you know her. It’s very difficult to know what’s inside her mind. And for the camera, this mystery is fantastic. And George is a fantastic chameleon also, because she doesn’t change that much from period to period. Him, George, he’s making a lot of changes in his in his acting and his body and....“ KINOLOGY 9. Film clip - “La bête“ (“The Beast“) STORYLINE: Director Bertrand Bonello said it was sad not to have his film’s stars Léa Seydoux and George MacKay join him at the Venice International Film Festival where “The Beast“ is showing in competition. “II’s sad because it’s been a hard film to make. And presenting here is like something joy and would have loved to have George and Léa next to me. But of course, I understand what’s happening and what’s happening is very important. So I support with the strike with them, even if I’m not an actor.“ The romantic sci-fi drama is set in a near future in which artificial intelligence reigns supreme and human emotions have become a threat. The movie, co-written by Bonello, was loosely inspired by a 1903 novella by Henry James, “The Beast in the Jungle.“ Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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