All quotes/interactions when a character’s partner dies/retires in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven. There are also several unused voices.
- Caesar’s reaction to Lisa Lisa (reuses his reaction to Will A. Zeppeli in game instead)
- Koichi’s reactions to Josuke and Rohan (uses his default interaction instead)
- Fugo’s reaction to Narancia (reuses his reaction to Bucciarati instead)
- Jolyne crying out Ermes’ name (just has her saying “You got hit?“ in game instead)
- Part 6 Jotaro (they removed him in game, the vid uses a texture mod I created)
- Gyro’s reaction to Johnny (He says noth in game as if they forgot to program the voice to it. The scene in this video was modded by me)
- Johnny has no default reaction to any partner dying other than Gyro, he’s just silent too.
0:00 : Jonathan
0:42 : Zeppeli
0:58 : Speedwagon
1:23 : Dio
1:30 : Joseph
2:13 : Tequila Joseph
2:29 : Caesar
2:53 : Lisa Lisa
3:23 : Stroheim
3:35 : Esidisi
3:51 : Wamuu
4:09 : Kars
4:21 : Jotaro
4:47 : Old Joseph
5:32 : KShow more