Recruiting Women - Trailer (1942)

Titles read: “MofI GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL“ C/U of an ATS girl blowing a bugle. General views of London blitz scenes (at night). Montage of shots showing men in various forces in action. Voiceover says that every man who can fight is needed for fighting and it is up to the women of Britain to take over the non-combatant duties. C/Us of leaflets recruiting women to the forces. All three of the women’s services are now open to volunteers. M/S of Ministry of Labour and National Service office with a banner across the front mentioning the WRNS (Women’s Royal Naval Service), ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service) and WAAF (Women’s Auxiliary Air Force). Good shots of women (and a few men) in a cinema audience, looking up at the screen. C/U of different women in the audience as their faces are illuminated. (they are all wearing hats). We are told that single or married women between the ages of 17 1/2 and 45 can join up. Montage of shots shows women in nonessential work, in offices and tobacco kiosks, wh
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