Soviet Union 1942 ▶ Summer Offensive Fall Blau (3) Battles of Don / Stalingrad Сталинградская битва

130 Soviet Union 1942 ▶ Summer Offensive “Fall Blau“ (3) Battles of Don / Stalingrad Сталинградская битва калмыкские кочевники 6th Army 6. Armee German History Archive ▶ Part 3: Heeresgruppe Süd / Heeresgruppe B - 6. Armee Donbass Донбасс Case Blue (German: Fall Blau) was the German Armed Forces’ name for its plan for the 1942 strategic summer offensive in southern Russia between 28 June and 24 November 1942, during World War II. The operation was a continuation of the previous year’s Operation Barbarossa, intended to knock the Soviet Union out of the war. It involved a two-pronged attack: one from the Axis right flank against the oil fields of Baku, known as Operation Edelweiss, and one from the left flank in the direction of Stalingrad along the Volga River, known as Operation Fischreiher. Army Group South (Heeresgruppe Süd) was divided into Army Groups A and B (Heeresgruppe A and B). Army Group A was tasked with crossing the Caucasus
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