Modal verbs (should/shouldn’t, ought to, must/mustn’t) - British Customs and Etiquette

Politeness in British Culture Most people want to be polite and behave well around others. In every country, there are rules on how to behave. You should learn about some of these unwritten rules before travelling to the UK. You must say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. It is considered good manners. British people may think you are rude if you don’t use them. In most houses in Britain, the doors are usually kept closed. If you are going to visit someone, you must arrange a time and day. You mustn’t just appear at someone’s door. It will make British people uncomfortable. When invited to someone’s home, you should bring a small gift, for example, a box of chocolates or flowers. You must take the price tag off. If someone invites you to dinner at their house, you should arrive on time. If someone gives you a gift, you ought to open it while they are with you. That way they can see how happy you are to receive it. You shouldn’t open the gift after the person is gone. Queuing is a unique part of the British cult
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