Air Route Across Australia (1965)

Birdsville, Queensland, Australia. Australian commentary, documentation on file. CU. Map showing Queensland area of Australia. VS. Supplies being loaded onto small plane for delivery to remote parts of Australia. CU. Pilot’s hand on aeroplane control. View out of cockpit window as it takes off. CU. Map showing the route the plane is taking from Brisbane to Charleville. AV. of small Australian township. CU. Pilot. AVs. of the Australian outback (good length) and showing just one little homestead. MS. Wing of aeroplane as it’s touching down, the ground speeding past below it. VS. The plane making brief stop at small place and handing out mail and newspapers. CU. Map of the rest of the route which goes as far as Birdsville. VS. Supplies and mail being given out at various points. AV. of oil well rig in the outback. VS. on aeroplane while in flight, the air stewardess looks after the passengers, serving food, etc. Some of the passengers are Aborigines who used to do most of the route to Birdsville on foot.
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