Жертвы нашего мира You haven’t seen anything like this yet

Donations for animal food PayPal: ozeretsm@ Не забывайте, пожалуйста, подписываться на наш второй канал мы очень рады новым и старым друзьям! We have a new addition again! A young mother with ten puppies. The dog has a damaged eye and needs surgery. And another sad story. We got a call that a dog with a bandaged paw is lying and whining by the fence. If you approach the dog, it growls. We called the doctor and had the puppy put down. And the examination at the clinic showed a fractured paw and the need for surgery. Голодные телефоны: МТС: 8 985 318 01 33 Билайн: 8 906 682 68 51 Билайн: 8 962 350 30 07 Теле2: 8 950 679 46 20
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