Music: Opera: Soprano Prima Donna Toti dal Monte weds Tenor Enzo Lomanto in Sydney (1928)

EMPIRE NEWS NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Soprano Prima Donna Toti dal Monte weds Tenor Enzo Lomanto in Sydney’s St Mary’s cathedral. Full Description: SLATE CARD INFORMATION: Famous Prime Donna Weds AUSTRALIA: Sydney: EXT Crowd gathered to see newly wedded couple Toti dal Monte and Enzo Lomanto (opera singers) PAN / Prima Donna Toti dal Monte (Soprano) (bride) posing on steps of St Mary’s Cathedral next bridegroom Enzo Lomanto (Tenor) / Close up of Toti dal Monte smiling / dal Monte away into wedding car / Decorated wedding car driven towards past crowd Background: Soprano Prima Donna Toti dal Monte weds Tenor Enzo Lomanto in Sydney’s St Mary’s cathedral. FILM ID: VLVAC8QSAVH5XMAXZS9Z1FB9D69U9 To license this film, visit Archive
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