Affirmations For Wealth, Money and Abundance. Open to a Higher Experience of Wealth Consciousness.

Affirmations neutralise resistance to our highest good. Affirmations purify our thoughts and rewire our brains so that we think, feel and then experience that nothing is ever impossible. Money is energy. We can learn to attract money and other forms of abundance by working with energy. By affirming our ability to attract, allow, or generate wealth in all forms we are increasing our ability to open new channels of experience and magnetise wealth through new and existing channels. “Abundance, today I choose abundance, why abundance, abundance is a door to happiness, the essence if my true nature is happiness and abundance, abundance is my birthright. My soul is abundant, I am pure spirit in a human body, I am light in flesh, my nature is creative expression, my nature is abundance. Abundance flows freely and easily into my life, Abundance is freedom, freedom is spacious abundance. I am abundance because I have much inner potential, I activate my inner potential, there are no limits to my potential, I activate my potential and I am successful, success is a journey as well as actualised goals and dreams, I explore the limitless possibilities within me and within life, I was born with many gifts to awaken and share, I share these gifts so I grow and flourish. There are many skills, talents and qualities within me that attract and generate abundance, I am bright, I am knowledgeable, I am strong, I am generous, I am passionate, I am creative, I am visionary, I am resourceful, I am talented, I see opportunities that fit my skills, talents and qualities, I create opportunities that help me deepen my skills, talents and qualities. I am abundant and courageous, I follow my intuition towards my highest good, I act courageously and take action when needed, I follow my heart, my heart leads me to higher expressions of abundance. I forgive money, I release all judgements around money, I release all past limiting experiences with money, I heal all ego craving for money. Today I choose money, there is a limitless supply of money in the world, there is such a great flow of money, trillions of pounds are flowing around the world right now, I choose this great flow, flow to meet all my needs and wants, money is a gift I choose, what goes around comes around, money comes back around to choose me. What I focus on grows, I choose abundance over scarcity, joy over misery, love over selfishness. because what I focus on grows I choose abundance, I choose happiness, I choose wealth, I choose success, I choose money, I choose my goals and dreams. My life is rich with opportunities, I am open and willing to receive new avenues of abundance, I expand my definition of abundance, I allow more possibility, more opportunity, more flow and more forms of wealth, I know there are many paths to abundance, there is so much choice, I make choices in line with my highest good, I choose those opportunities that lead to the greatest abundance for myself and others. Abundance is the natural state of the universe, all of nature is abundant, I am the sunflower that generates a thousand seeds, I am the soil that feeds the earth, I am the sun that warms the earth, I am the oceans and rivers that flow. Nature is abundant, one sunflower produces a thousand seeds, seeds that produce a thousand flowers, my nature is abundance, abundance can increase many fold, I am an abundance magnet. I am a great treasure house, my soul is shimmering light, my soul’s light is infinite, in this infinity I am one with all things, I am a huge bowl filled to overflowing with silver white pearls, I overflow with many treasures, I am the rarest gold, I am precious gems, there is more wealth within me than I can ever possibly know in one lifetime, I choose abundance now in this lifetime. Abundance is love in action, abundance is energy, energy is love, love is money, wealth is different flows of energy, money is energy, energy is love, love is action, I take steps to allow more abundance in my life...“
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