Natalya Poddubnaya - Story Driven Education for Young Learners

A long way from decoding to creating abridged. In my speech I will present you key techniques for developing reading skills of young learners. Means of bridging the gap between the learner and the text. How to invoke the educational and the pedagogical functions of the text setting the ultimate goal – becoming a creative reader. Natalia Poddubnaya is an author of series of book for young learners entitled “Clumsy”®. Being a professional with more than 18 years of teaching practice, Natalia now reads her own seminars and gives master-classes on functional and meaningful reading, critical thinking and participates in ELT conferences. She runs her site where the information about her books and the upcoming events can be found. Content: 0:00 Вступление 7:37 Ступени для обучения ребёнка чтению 11:44 Визуализация 18:32 Презентация текста 22:10 Вопросы 35:33 Увеличение скорости чтения до 120-140 слов в минуту 36:26 Варианты типов чтения 37:57 Игры 42:34 Обобщаем 46:22 Acting out 49:39 Video reflection 54:48 Они способны 55:32 Использованная литература и ответы на вопросы
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