Let’s Play Final Fantasy VIII #102 - Vita Ex Machina

In this episode, we go out to rescue Rinoa, even though we have no way of getting to her or getting back. Yep. No hope whatsoever. They’re both going to die. Squall’s leaving Selphie in charge because she’s the only one who has successfully finished a mission so far. But once she has real power, she becomes a real hard ass. She forces everyone to wear their SeeD uniforms and work on the next Garden Festival around the clock. Her plan: to party the Galbadians to death. Even Seifer shows up, now that Rinoa’s gone. He even agrees to a truce, because that’s all that Ultimecia wanted all along: to compress time so that we can party for all time. Recommended Setup Rinoa: Ifrit, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Tonberry, Brothers, Cerberus, ST-Atk-J Drain, ST-Def-J Pain, Elem-Def-J Thundaga/Life, HP-J Flare, Str-J Meteor, Vit-J Meltdown, Mag-J Tornado, Spr-J Reflect, Spd-J Triple, Str 40%, Str 60%, Auto-Haste Squall: Shiva, Diablos, Pandemona, Alexander, Quezacotl, Sir
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