Germany: Greens want to create “Society and Diversity Ministry“ says Baerbock at Freiburg rally

Subscribe to our channel! Green Party candidate for chancellor Annalena Baerbock called for the introduction of a Ministry of Society and Diversity and the anchoring of children’s rights in the constitution at an election campaign event in Freiburg on Tuesday. “We need a Ministry of Society and Diversity, because it is absurd to manage the issues of coexistence, integration and participation from the Ministry of the Interior,“ said Baerbock. “Shortly before this election, although it was one of the big promises, children’s rights are still not in the constitution, there is a reason for that,“ she stated. According to polls, the Greens are in third place behind the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Union bloc, with around 17 percent of the vote. With a multi-party coalition needed to form a majority government after the elections, the Greens are almost certain to form part of any new administration. TRANSLATIONS:
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