Tragic Details About Nikki Sixx’s Life

Rock stars are often known for their charismatic and even flamboyant on-stage persona. And while there have been many great rockers over the years, Nikki Six certainly embodied the rock and roll lifestyle in his heyday. The former Motley Crue bassist and primary songwriter was part of arguably one of the most hedonistic rock bands to ever have been formed. Motley Crue wasn’t just known for their music but their offstage antics have been the stuff of legends. But living a hard and fast rock and roll lifestyle has its downsides and Nikki Six has faced his fair share of tragedy. These are the tragic details of Nikki Six’s life. #Music #MotleyCrue #Tragic The turbulent early years | 0:00 Relationship with his mother | 1:13 His “death“ | 1:59 His arrest in Japan | 3:06 His darkest moment | 4:05 His relationship with Vanity | 4:52 Secret lives of ex-wives | 5:50 Petty feuds | 7:02 His isolated paranoia | 8:03 His strange “doppelganger“ | 8:50 His strug
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