Alco-Thrash Studio presents..
Heading: G Music Video
A video film about the rock festival of the “Llor-n-kcor“ newspaper held at the club “Master“. Russia, Velikiye Luki.
What is it: HMRock Festival
Name: “Возвращение - 6“ (“Return - 6“)
Genre: Rock and Metal
When: April 26, 1997
Where: club “Master“. Russia, Velikiye Luki.
Director: Gennady “J“ Moiseenko.
Videographer: Alexander Vinogradov.
Which groups participated: Цюрюк (Back), Гардарика (Gardarika), 3 Июня (June 3), Дикие Дети (Wild Kids), Забавы Простолюдинов (Fun Commoners), Вирус (Virus), Котлован (foundation pit), Циан (Cyanogen), Кобра (Cobra), Никольский Собор (Nicholas Cathedral), Ольга Горячева (Olga Goryacheva).
#РокФестивальВозвращение #RockFestivalReturn #GMusicVideo #AlcoThrashStudio #deathmetal #Metal #HardRock #rock #рок #ThrashMetal #heavymetal