Mozart - Don Giovanni Opera by Wilhelm Furtwängler (1954), NEW MASTERING (recording of the Century)

❤️Please consider membership at our Patreon page: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Don Giovanni by ängler, NEW MASTERING. Listen to our latest mastering update: 🎧 Qobuz Tidal 🎧 Spotify Youtube Music 🎧 Apple Music — Amazon Music 🎧 Deezer Amazon Store 🎧 Napster — Soundcloud — 🎧 LineMusic日本 Awa日本 — Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (00:00-04:13​) 00:00 Sinfonia ATTO PRIMO, Prima Scena 06:52 Notte e giorno faticar (Leporello (L)) 08:32 Non sperar, se non m’uccidi (Donna Anna (DA)/Don Giovanni (DG/L) 10:06 Lasciala, indegno ! (Commendatore (C)/DG/L) Leporello, ove sei ? (DG/L/DA) 13:17 Ma qu
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