The Traitor Within (American Cancer Society, 1946)

In this cartoon film directed to the non-medical public, cancer statistics are given, cancer myths are refuted, cancer warning signals are presented, and the growth and effect of cancer cells within the body are shown. Cartoons illustrate: normal cell function in the body; the appearance and growth of neoplastic cells and their destruction of normal cells; cure of cancer by surgery, radiation therapy, radium implants; spread of untreated cancer through the lymphatic system to the circulatory system; and the danger signals that indicate that cancer is present. These cane be any sore that does not heal, particularly in or around the mouth, a painless lump or thickening, irregular bleeding or discharge from any natural body orifice, progressive change in any wart, mole, or birthmark, persistent indigestion, hoarseness, persistent cough, difficult swallowing, any change in normal bowel habits. Produced by the American Cancer Society. Learn more about this film and search its transcript at NLM Digita
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