Beautiful spring nature in windy weather. Light breeze in the spring meadow. Crickets sing.

A light wind is blowing in the spring meadow. Windy weather, in the evening among field herbs and flowers. Plants sway in the wind, leaves rustle on trees, the wind rustles, crickets sing, sometimes birds chirp. And I’m in this meadow, in this time and space. There is only space, time and emptiness and the sounds of nature that you want to enjoy. Butterflies soar in the air, bees buzz, dragonflies, bumblebees, flies fly. All living things rejoice in spring, life. It’s time for plants to bloom. The sun is setting, but it hasn’t set yet. Its rays illuminate the green landscape, shimmer in flowers, in the leaves of trees. Swallows and swifts fly in the sky, their squeak is occasionally heard. The branches on the branch and the leaves on the tree sway, the wind is noisy and the atmosphere of a natural idyll is created, in which it is pleasant to be. Warm spring days are filled with natural sounds, the voices of birds, the singing of crickets, the rustle of grass, the sounds of the wi
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