Batch and Online Process in COBOL - Mainframe COBOL Tutorial - Part 2 #COBOL
Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL) is a programming language similar to English that is widely used to develop business-oriented applications in the area of commercial data processing. COBOL has been almost a generic term for computer programming in this kind of computer language.
COBOL is used for writing application programs and we cannot use it to write system software. The applications like those in defense domain, insurance domain, etc. which require huge data processing make extensive use of COBOL.
This Mainframe CoBOL video tutorial is uploaded for software programmers who would like to learn the basics of Mainframe COBOL. Mainframe COBOL Online Training Tutorial provides enough understanding on COBOL programming language from where you can start youself from beginner level understanding to a higher level of expertise.
Batch and Online Process in COBOL - Mainframe COBOL Tutorial - Part 2,Batch and Online Process has an Introduction to Cobol, Batch and Online Process for Mainframe technology.
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