Master of Metal (Mordekaiser)

All instruments (and ametaur vocals) by DasSven (NA region) This is my entry for the Songs of the Summoned 2 contest, enjoy! :-) Hope you like it! (Hopefully the vocals are tolerable too, I do not claim myself a singer by any means). I’ll upload an instrumental version if there is demand for it. Lyrics: One winter night, when no night was ever longer, A Noxian being came to life, Eight feet tall, and a mace used to plunder, Mordekaiser came to fight! He creeping death upon our very souls, Using children of the grave... A dark specimen Or a man with an iron heart Master of metal Mordekaiser! Nox-ian fighter Eyes of a killer In his sight, you’re a slave to his power, You should’ve pressed “B“ before! Use ignite, hope he’ll die from your tower, Otherwise you’ll feed him more! Ping him now, tell your friends you’re in trouble, And hope they’ll rust hi
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